Monday, March 9, 2015

Hey Crazy Tripper again a new mod idea Bob The Freak, he looks like notch with a yellow beard you summon him with this song

bob the freak freak freak
he got a silly streak streak streak
wants a chicken beak beak beak
oh yeah bob the freak

I know it is dumb. When he swims his face turns red and if you want to tame him give him a dead bush, if you hate him and want him to go away give him a emerald!

     that's all for now -Crazy Tripper

Thursday, March 5, 2015

this is the skin page for MINECRAFT

SKINS will be in the next update you can look so awesome! Then all players will look different. You can tell a player apart!


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

HEY!!!! It's CRAZY TRIPPER!! I don't have much to say I was on YOU TUBE and just watched villager news how many of you had seen it ...... okay a ton it was so funny my face hurt! If you haven't seen it it is awesome! your friend -CRAZY TRIPPER

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This is for all the MINECRAFT newbies this this is a little to know like did you know you can ignite creepers? Or if you load a whole MINECRAFT world on a computer it would be bigger than Pluto! see on the left of the screen
Okay and did you that herobrine was a  unfinished Steve skin mixed with a enderman and with a computer glitch,
oh and a little more about me I have a priest villager named DubbyNoNo I made it when I saw one of those NoNo! commercials I don't know were I got the dubby part, I have a pig named Derpo because he is derp and stuff.I got a chicken or DubbyNoNo his name is Fred he is kind of left out.: (

SEE YOU LATER! -Crazy Tripper:)


Hey i'm back I am here to tell you about update news the new update will add tons of changes to the MINECRAFT game it will add ocelots, horses, wagons, and fishing poles and if their is fishing poles their is boats! When you get the update all the time remember the one rule of MINECRAFT never dig straight down. I will let you do most of the exploring your self! signing off for the day -Crazy Tripper :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

welcome to our site!!!

this is Herobrine Enterprises! This is the presidency speaking this is Bobthecorn, Zombie pigman, and me Crazy tripper, no I am not drunk. This site is for learning about MINECRAFT and our ideas for MINECRAFT mods and songs. We will post lyrics because we have ugly singing voices. : ) We also do update news, just so you know 11.0 is coming this month see you later -Crazy Tripper:)