Saturday, May 16, 2015

Who wants to see my MC skin!!!!
You do...
OK I am not that dumb... Well here you go
That's me CrazyT!
Hey, Crazy Tripper here Today I have a disign I made it is a mall see.....
hope you liked it
And hey Bob the corn what do you think?

Friday, May 15, 2015

hey Crazy Tripper with another blog thanks to the "originality" of bob the corn!
here it is

see you later!
    thank you bob the corn.......

                                                                                                        -Crazy Tripper

Thursday, May 14, 2015

hey! Crazy Tripper with a cool MINECRAFT seed this a above ground dungeon for pocket ed.

1427088781: Surface Dungeon

I think to get to it you walk straight then around the tree you will see a skelly spawner and dumb ole cobblestone wall, it is kinda snowy so BEWARE!

see you soon yo friend Crazy Tripper
ps. leave a comment below!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

hey theirs been rumors of Minecraft for the Wii I looked it up it is only WiiU sorry those with the old darn stupid Wii system just beg for a WiiU and thank you bob the corn for the awesome comments and for those who don't know him he is the president of this club oh and if you want to join put in the comments your name and email see you later!